병원 간호업무의 유형별 근골격계 위험수준
Work Related Musculoskeletal Risk Level with Nursing Tasks in Hospital
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제12권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2003.03
- 31 - 38 (8 pages)
This study is an attempt to analyze the physical load by the type of the nursing tasks at the neurosurgical ICU nurses through the quantitative analysis of the working postures by the type of the nursing tasks with the OWAS(Ovako Working Postures Analysis System). Data collection was conducted through the video recording of the 13 nurses working at the neurosurgical ICU. For the analysis of the work postures by the type of the nursing tasks, and were interviewed regarding the subjective degree of the difficulties with the work postures related to the tasks. Collected data was analyzed through the WinOWAS program. The results were as follows : AC3 or AC4 tasks among the 18 nursing tasks types are occupied bed 「making and change of the patient gown」, 「back massage」, 「suction」, 「elimination management」, 「change of position」, 「adjustment of bed」, 「helping the patient to move」,「measurement of CVP」and 「measurement of urine volume」. It appears that these tasks are harmful to the musculoskeletal system and the improvement or change of the work is required. The results stated above indicate that improper working postures during the nursing tasks influence the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, making use of assistant devices for the improvement of the working environment at the nursing tasks, based on human technological diagnoses, is required regarding the duty types with massive work pressure known to be harmful to the musculoskeletal system among those performed by the nurses. And there is a need of the education about the employment and maintenance of the vocational back pain prevention.