사업장 모성보호 실태 및 교육자료 요구도
Need Assessment to Develop the Maternity Protection Education Deatabase for Occupational Health Nurses
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제12권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2003.03
- 71 - 79 (9 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the status of maternity protection in the industries for the development of educational database used by occupational health nurses (OHNs). Method: 100 OHNs were purposively sampled and they were charged in the occupational health manager of their own industries. Data were collected by the postal mail, the response rate was 53.0%, and analysis rate was 43.0%. Result: The results were as follows; 1. Most of subjects responded there was the institutionalization of a special holiday for woman workers (97.7%) and 90 days maternity leave (95.4%). Otherwise, the numbers of industry were smaller in the case of providing the breast-feeding time, temporary rest from office for child raring, restriction of hazard job, night job, and over time. The application rates were lower than the rate of institutionalization of all maternity protection items. 2. There were significant differences in institutionalization of maternity protection by the activity of the trade union. And the numbers of the industry applying the maternity protection were significantly different by the area and the types of industry. 3. Most OHNs responded 17 subjects were needed to the maternity protection education for women workers. Conclusion: It would be needed to develop the maternity protection education database in base of the status of maternity protection in the industries and the need of maternity protection education. The role of OHNs for maternity protection was expected to activate.