간호사의 병원감염 예방행위에 대한 인지도와 수행정도에 관한 연구
A Study on the Level of Recognition and Performance of the Clinical Nurses about the prevention of Nosocomial Infection
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제10권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2001.03
- 5 - 23 (19 pages)
The purpose of this study was to analyse the level of recognition and performance of clinical nurses about the prevention of nosocomial infection. Subjects of the study were 425 nurses working at two university hospitals. Self report questionnaires were used to measure the level of recognition and performance about the prevention of nosocomial infection. These instruments had five dimensions of the management of nosocomial infection hand washing, fluid therapy. foley catheterization respiratory tract., and aseptic articles Reliability coefficients of these instruments were found cronbach s α=94.95 Data collected from August1 to August 15, 2000. The results of the study were as follows 1) The mean score of the recognition scores about the management. of nosocomial infection was 3.89. 2) The mean score of the performance about the management of nosocomial infaction was 3.42 3) The moan score of the recognition about the management of nosocomial infection was significantly higher than the performance score(t=25.72 p<001). 4) There was significant difference in the score of the recognition about managment in nosocomial infection according to nurses working unit(p<001)