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KCI등재 학술저널

일부 종합병원 간호사의 건강증진생활양식에 대한 실천정도와 영향요인에 관한 연구

A Study on Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Its Affecting Factors of Hospital Nurses

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The chances of disease pattern increased the importance of Health-promoting Lifestyle and a large part of the Health promoting lifestyle is associated with individual s habit. Health promoting Lifestyle among nurses, is very important because nurses could be a mb model of patients and possibly influence many patients. The purpose of this study was oat on1y to assess how hospital nurses practice their Health promoting Lifestyle but also to identify those affecting deterministered . The subjects were 392 nurses working at 3 different hospital in Seoul. These data were collected by self administered questionnaire from Apt ii 27 to May 20, 2000. This studs examined Health promoting Lifestyle using In Sock Park s model individual characteristics Behavior -specific Cognitions and Affect factors using Render s model and tried to fine out their relationships. The instruments used in this study were Health promoting Lifestyle Riot tie developed by In Sook park( 1995) Likert s four -point scale was used also in this research The percentage, mean. standard deviation ,ANOVA. pearson s correlation coefficient and multiple regression in the SAS package were used to analyze the data. The results if this study were as follows; 1. 52.3 % of sample were aged between 25 and 29. 67.l % were single, 55 6% were university graduates. 51.8% earned 1 5 to 2.0 million won, 57.9% slept for d to 8 hours, 71.5% stated they were healthy. 2. 32.7% of sample worked in surgical gird department, 82.4% worked in 3 shift. 26.3% have been working as nurses For P to years. Average score of Perceived self efficacy was 3.63, Perceived benefits of action was 3.25. Social support was 2.75, and Perceived barriers to action was 1 .87 which was the lowest score. 3. The average score if the performance in Health.-promoting lifestyle variable was 2. 45 which was lower than previous study. The sanitary life Was 3.18 which was the highest score harmonious relationship 3.1.1, emotional support 2 90. The variable with the highest degree of performance was the sanitary life. whereas the one with the west degree was the health diet. 4 .There were no significant difference in perceived benefits of action with individual s a character. hut in Perceived bait his of action there were significant differences with age(p<.01), marital status (p<.05). housing(p<.05), and Perceived health status(p<.05). In Perceived self eifficacy. there were significant differences with educational level(p<05). sleeping hours (p<.05), and BMI(p<.05). In Social support here were significant difference with housing and sleeping hours.
