중년여성의 건강추구행위의 장애요인
A Structural Model for Health-Seeking Behavior in Midlife Women
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제7권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 1998.11
- 121 - 129 (9 pages)
Health behavior constitutes the single most important factor in an individual s health maintenance program. Pender s health promotion model emphasizes the positive aspects of health-seeking behavior hut omits some negative ones Although Pender s work does include the concept of barriers, the main focus is upon health habits rather than upon the interaction between the consurner and the health care system. Therefore, since individuals actually do face many barriers in their health -seeking behavior, the present study deals with negative concepts- the barriers to health and healthy behavior. For this reason the expression health-seeking behavior was chosen over health promotion. In conclusion, the results show that barriers to health -seeking behavior are causal factors that could explain and predict the health-seeking behavior ol middle life women. Midle life women shows that they have barriers to health -seeking behavior especially in inconvenience, cost, healthcenter site related problem, relationship, fear. These findings suggest the need to develop a nursing strategy to improve the empowerment of self -determination in middle aged women. Conse quently. a goal of nursing care for middle aged women should be to help them pursue health care vat ii a greater degree of self-sufficiency.