자동차 제조업 근로자들의 작업유형과 작업자세
Work Types and Work Postures of the Workers in an Automobile Industry
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제7권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 1998.11
- 130 - 135 (6 pages)
To investigate the working characteristics of the workers by place of duty, a study was carried out among 591 male workers aged 20-55 employed in an automobile industry in Korea. Workers participated to this study were divided into low back pain(LBF) and control group, according to the self -reports by written questionnaires Work factors and complaint rates of low back pain were compared to the work places. The results were as follows 1) The complaint rates of low back pain were 19.2%(292 men) as a whole, s&q%(32) Lifting and earring work of individual workers were directly associated with low back pain. Frequency of lifting and carring work is higher in ti-ic Final Body Section(Production Dept and Body 1 Section(Bus Dept.). 3) LBP group were more frequently involved in working in awkard position(Quality Control Section of Stamping Tool Dept.), bending(Body I Section of Bus Dept.) and twisting posture(Sash Section and Body I Section of Bus Dept.). 4)Workers exposed to vibration during working shows the higher complaint rate of low back pain.