산재형 호스피스 병동간호사의 호스피스 간호수행 영향요인
Factors Affecting Hospice Nursing Performance in Scattered Hospice Patient Unit
- 전남대학교 간호과학연구소
- Nursing & Health Issues
- 제25권 제1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.02
- 49 - 56 (8 pages)
Purpose: This is an explanatory study conducted to provide baseline data for the development of hospice nursing through the understanding of factors that affect hospice nursing performance working in scattered hospice patient units among nurses. Methods: Research subjects were 236 nurses working in two hospitals located in two Metropolitan City. Data were collected from August 15 to 31, 2014 and analyzed by frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS WIN 23.0. Results: As a result of examining the difference in hospice nursing performance of nurses depending on their general characteristics, significant differences were found for age, education level, position, total career duration, life satisfaction, hospice counseling experience, hospice training experience, and perception of hospice service provider. Spirituality and hospice perception showed significant positive correlations with hospice nursing performance. A multi variate regression analysis performed to identify independent factors influencing hospice nursing performance was significant (F=61.75, p <.001), and the explanatory power of the model was 34.1%. Higher spirituality (=.121, p =.027) and hospice perception (=.549, p <.001) were affecting higher hospice nursing performance. Conclusion: Based on these results, policies and educational measures must be established to promote the development and implementation of a program to enhance nurses’ existential well-being and hospice perception and to create a clinical environment led by spiritually healthy older nurses with more experience to ensure high-quality hospice nursing performance.
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