최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Between Theodicy and Free Will: The Doctrine of Sin in Melanchthon’s Understanding and Its Reverberations in the Adventist Theology

  • 12

This article brings the doctrine of sin as expressed in Melanchthon’s theological writings into foreground. It argues that the doctrine of sin is foundational for his theology. By pointing at the dynamic relationship between the doctrines of sin and the doctrines of God and of man, this study enriches the understanding of Melanchthon’s theodicy and free will. The first part explores Melanchthon’s understanding of sin. First, it describes his hamartiology. Second, it indicates the relationship between his doctrine of sin and the doctrine of God. It reveals that the hamartiological discussion structures Melanchthon’s theodicy. Third, this article analyzes the impact of sin on anthropology. It points out that only when the relation between sin and human heart is clarified, the concept of “will” is better apprehended. The second part overviews the Adventist hamartiology and explores the impact of Melanchthon’s understanding of sin upon three Adventist approaches.

I. Interduction

II. Sin, Theodicy, and Free Will in Melanchthon’s Writings

1. Melanchthon’s Understanding of Sin

2. Theodicy and the Doctrine of Sin

3. Free Will and the Doctrine of Sin

4. Summary of Melanchthon’s Understanding of Sin

III. Melanchthonian Hamartiological Echoes in Adventist Theology

1. Early Adventist Understanding of Sin

2. The Adventist Hamartiological Debate

IV. Conclusions
