최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

An Evaluation of Jack Sequeira s “Actual” Substitutioinary Death of Christ

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This study is a critical evaluation of Jack Sequeira’s ‘actual’ substitution view of the death of Christ. His unique understanding is inseparable from his understanding of the person of Christ (Christology) and his theology of the cross. His exclusive focus on the soteriological purpose of Christ’ s incarnation and his narrow view of the sinful human nature of Christ as its presupposition (in a sense, as its logical conclusion) is not logically proper nor biblically supported. His concept of the ‘actual’ substitutionary death of Christ creates some serious theological questions and needless biblical conundrums.

I. Introduction

II. Sequeira’s Christology

1. The Vocal Group

2. The Silent Group

3. The Minority Group

III. Sequeira’s Theology of the Cross

IV. Evaluation of Sequeira’s “Actual” Substitutionary Death of Christ

1. Is the “Vicarious” Substitutionary Death of Christ Unethical?

2. Is the “Vicarious” Substitutionary Death of Christ Unfair?

3. Is the “Actual” Substitutionary Death of Christ Unquestionable?

V. Conclusion
