최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

여성인력개발센터 역할 및 사업분석

Analysis on Implement and Roles of The Woman Resources Development Center

  • 13

In order to celebrate 10th anniversary of The Woman Resources Development Center, this study has been performed under the purposes of finding out how the Center`s role has been as a vocational training organization and how it has comtributed to Korean women`s vocational resource development and analyzing the actual condition of the Center`s implement and enterprise, and ultimately, finding a positive developmental direction for the Center. In this study, the role of the Center has been analyzed and positive fruits from its implement have been suggested, and through the analysis of the enterprise and investigation of program managers` opinions, the management-support system has been suggested and several questions have been raised. This study has examined the effect of Center`s the management-support system which consists of finance, equipment, instrument as hardware and program development, trainee guidance, vocational counseling as software. The result showed that the Center has played role as social safety system with legitimacy, developed women`s occupational category, and suggested consortium model between the government and a private organization. The Center`s management system, however, and way of support have been the same for 10 years, and it lacks of specialty as well. Thus, for the further improvement of the management and operation system, regional consortium has been suggested.
