최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국형 심리적 응급처치 교육프로그램을 이용한 재난정신건강 지원 인력 양성 교육의 효과

Effect of Korean Version of Psychological First Aid Training Program on Training Disaster Mental Health Service Provider

  • 359

Objectives This study aimed to develop a Korean version of psychological first aid training program (K-PFA) and examine the education effect on trainees. Methods This study enrolled 485 subjects who completed both K-PFA and study surveys. In addition to mental health professionals, subjects with various ages and educational backgrounds were included to examine the education effects of the capabilities in conducting PFA and understanding acute phase disaster mental health (DMH). Results Both mental health professionals and non-professionals improved their understanding of acute-phase DMH intervention and their perceived capabilities in conducting PFA. Conclusion The development of a DMH intervention-training program adapted to Korean domestic circumstances and culture represents a significant step towards a comprehensive and individualized intervention for disaster survivors.

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