Companies need to take an interest in the mental health of employees, including stress and depression, which is closely related to the productivity of the company. When dealing with the workplace mental health of employees, the company needs to shift a perspective from management to care. The rate of depression among workers is similar to that of the general population, but they complain of a deterioration of concentration and cognitive function during periods of depression, which is often related to workability and complaints of discomfort. Various types of depressive symptoms among workers have been noted, but they often show signs of adjustment disorder with depression. Therefore, therapeutically, in addition to pharmacological therapy, various forms of psychotherapeutic approaches are important. In the case of pharmacotherapy, it is better to avoid drugs that can influence the cognitive function, especially drugs that induce drowsiness or affect cognitive ability. If necessary, caution should be taken when using sleep-inducing agents or benzodiazepines, and it is recommended to use them temporarily. Psychiatrists should take care of mental health at the workplace and provide help in prevention and treatment through a range of activities, such as consultation, coaching, and lectures.
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