최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널


  • 18

We use prototypes (also known as referent in semiotics) when we understand the outside world. Different language users use different prototypes to decode the same sound. When we learn Chinese language as a foreign language, during it s sound perceptual process, Korean learners target language prototypes are different from Chinese native speakers . The purpose of the paper is to examine the theory of speech perception and the theory of constructivism teaching, and to suggest to the Chinese language teachers to have Cunstructivist approach while they design there teaching course. For this, we concerned three things: First is to review speech perception theory and constructivism teaching theory. Second based on the preceding study, we review that learner s prototypes are different from Chinese native speaker and this cause the error of listening and pronunciation. Finally, we introduced two simple speech visualization programs developed to help us learn pronunciation.

Ⅰ. 引言

Ⅱ. 研究目标和方法

Ⅲ. L2 语音感知理论

Ⅳ. L2发音教育的教学设计理论

Ⅴ. 语言交流的危险性及教学方案

Ⅵ. 结论
