Effects of Cognitive Function and Naming Ability on the Quality of Communication Life in the Korean Elderly
- 한국청각언어재활학회
- Audiology and Speech Research
- Audiology and Speech Research 제16권 제3호
- 2020.07
- 245 - 253 (9 pages)
Purpose: As old people age, their cognitive skills as well as naming ability decrease. In particular, dementia, along with memory, is a decline in other intellectual abilities that can interfere with everyday life. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the naming ability, cognitive function, and quality of communication life in the Korean elderly and thier relationship. Methods: A total of 50 Korean elderly people (25 normal, 25 elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from Korean version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (K-MoCA) ranged in age from 65 to 85 years old participated. The naming ability and quality of communication life were measured using short form of the Korean- Boston naming test (S-K-BNT) and the quality of communication life scale (QCL). Results: Significantly lower naming ability and poor QCL scores were observed in the elderly group with MCI. In addition, significantly strong correlation was revealed between K-MoCA score and QCL (r = 0.728). All cognitive function including executive function, visuospatial ability, memory, attention, language, and orientation demonstrated significant relationship with QCL. Among the cognitive function, in particular, visuospatial ability showed the highest correlation with QCL (r = 0.626). Moreover, significantly moderate positive correlation (r = 0.620) was revealed between naming score and QCL. Conclusion: In current study, cognitive function as well as naming ability can be important diagnostic indice for predicting and determining good quality of communication life in elderly people.