최근 검색어 전체 삭제

초등영어교육에서 온/오프라인 혹은 혼합형 접근

Two different viewpoints of On/Off-line or Blended approach in Elementary English education

  • 339

This study is to review the on-line or off-line educational situation and blended learning situation at the first semester in elementary school. Since the corona 19 virus pandemic happened and prevailed quickly nationwide, our educational situation changed the traditional face-to-face class system into an untact and on-line class one. Students had no choice but to study at home through on-line service and didn’t go to school. They were allowed to go to school wearing masks only within a fixed period of time. Teachers and students both didn’t get fully enough to satisfy themselves to teach and learn what they need to do in class. Two types of teachers about on-line or off-line approach and blending approach were discussed and their views are somewhat different between the two ways. As we know, the blended-learning way is to maximize students performance results individually. Such an approach was a kind of assisting the off-line educational system. It’s just kind of a strategic selection for learners. Furthermore, without teachers’ instruction, students can’t easily achieve their achievement.

I. 초등학교 온라인 교육

II. 면대면/비대면 상황에서 초등학교 영어 읽기 지도 접근 방식

III. 두 교사의 면대면/비대면 수업 접근에 대한 입장

IV. 맺으며
