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KCI등재 학술저널

Do Regulations Curb Greenwash Advertising in Korea? Focusing on the 2016 Revision of the Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act

DOI : 10.21331/jprapr.2020.13.3.002
  • 113

본 연구는 먼저, 2016년 1월 개정되어 시행되고 있는 환경기술 및 환경산업 지원 법 제16조의12 (부당한 표시・광고 행위에 대한 시정조치), 16조의13 (과징금), 16조의14 (표시. 광고의 사전검토)의 정책효과를 개정 전과 비교하여 검증해 보고자 하였다. 둘째, 그린위싱 광고에서 사용되는 친환경 주장유형과 그린워싱 전략유형을 분석하였다. 총 103편의 텔레비전, 프린트 광고를 내용분석 한 연구 결과, 그린워싱 광고는 법률 개정 후, 개정 전에 비해 14.8%의 유의미한 감소를 보였다. 한편, 그린워싱 전략유형 중 모호한 주장의 경우 법률 개정 후, 개정 전에 비해 23.2%의 유의미한 감소를 보였다. 연구결과에 근거한 정책적 함의를 논의하였다.

The present study reports the results of a content analysis of 103 TV and print greenwashing advertisements in Korea before and after the 2016 enactment of Article 16-12 (corrective measures), 13 (penalty surcharges) and 14 (pre-examination of labels and advertisements) of the Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act. Examining whether these stricter regulations have indeed decreased greenwashing is important in that effectiveness of such measures (penalty surcharges, corrective measures, pre-examination) are known in other countries (Adrison, 2008; Darke et al., 2008) but not in Korean context. The findings of this study revealed that the percentage of greenwashing advertisements decreased significantly by 14.8% after the enactment of Articles 16-12, 13 and 14. We also examined whether any differences were found in the use of greenwashing tactics after the 2016 enactment of Articles 16-12, 13 and 14. The result showed that sins of vagueness significantly decreased from Time 1 (96.9%) to Time 2 (73.7%). Concerning the green environmental claims used in greenwashing advertising, no significant relationship was found. Expected directional pattern, however, was found such that product orientation decreased from Time 1 (83.1%) to Time 2 (73.7%) as well as environment fact from Time 1 (1.5%) to Time 2 (0%). Practical and policy implications are discussed.

Literature Review




