It is essential to understand child and adolescent psychiatric patients as a ‘whole, entire person,’ not just the ‘disorders or diseases’ themselves. For this purpose, in 2013, the author attempted to apply the concept of ‘consilience’ to the field of psychiatry. ‘Consilience’ can be defined as ‘to unify every field of knowledge and science to understand the human being and improve the life of the human being.’ In doing so, the author emphasized that the human being itself is an integrative being and consilient. Second, the author reviewed the developmental processes of psychiatry and concluded that there are three definite developmental phases: ‘period of Consilience,’ ‘period of diverse development,’ and ‘reappearance of the period of consilience.’ Third, the author reviewed the relationship between religion and psychiatry. Finally, the author reviewed the treatment modalities in psychiatry, such as biological, psychological, social, and spiritual treatment. Based on these findings, the author suggested the ‘bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model’ to apply the concept of ‘consilience’ to the field of psychiatry. In this paper, the author combined the concept of positive psychology with the ‘bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model’ and named it the ‘model of everything.’ This means that the ‘model of everything’ can be applied not only to psychiatry and child and adolescents psychiatry but also to all academic fields, including politics, economics, social sciences, natural sciences, and culturology.
만사형통적 접근의 개념
WHO의 모델과 정신병리학파의 발달과정
WHO 모델의 문제점과 보완책-영적 주제의 추가
소아·청소년정신의학 전통모델의 문제점과 보완책: 긍정심리학의 접목
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