수간호사의 리더십 유형, 간호업무성과, 간호조직문화에 대한 연구
A Study on the Leadership Style of Head Nurse, Nursing Performance, and Nursing Organizational Culture
- 전남대학교 간호과학연구소
- Nursing & Health Issues
- 제25권 제2호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.08
- 102 - 110 (9 pages)
Purpose: This study was designed as descriptive study to research how the culture of nursing organizations effects on the correlations between the leadership styles of head nurses and the nursing performance. Methods: The research participants were 310 nurses working at the general hospitals in S city. Leadership styles of head nurses, nursing performance, nursing organizational culture were used as measuring devices. Results: The analysis result of moderating effect of nursing organizational culture between leadership styles of head nurses and nursing performance indicated that the interaction between leadership of head nurses and nursing organizational culture is meaningful and, eventually, there is difference of effects of transformational, transactional, and emotional leadership on nursing performance depending on nursing organizational culture. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is expected that as nursing organizational culture gets improved, the effect of the leadership on nursing performance will increase. Therefore, plans to emphasize and manage the characteristic of nursing organizational culture should be considered and along with the speculation of leadership styles of head nurses, alternatives to apply them to current nursing organizations and put them into practice should be made.
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