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KCI등재 학술저널

임상 간호사의 환자 및 보호자로부터의 폭력 경험 실태와 폭력 경험별 대처 방법

A Study on Violence Experience and Violence Coping Behavior among Clinical Nurses with Violence Experiences from Patients and Caregivers

DOI : 10.33527/nhi2020.25.2.57
  • 231

Purpose: This research was done to investigate the violence experience and violence coping method of clinical nurses in a general hospital, and to help nurses to work in safe working places. Methods: Data were collected from January to March in 2017 for 73 nurses working in wards, intensive care unit and emergency room at one general hospital. Descriptive statistics, X²-test with the SPSS 25.0 program were used for data analysis. Results: 77.2% of participants experienced verbal abuse from patients, 35.2% experienced physical threat from patients and 86.3% of participants experienced violence whom 86.2% experienced verbal abuse and 20.7% experienced physical violence from patients. Over 50.0% of participants had coping methods(direct response, seeking for help, no action) of violence experience. Most frequent violence coping methods were ‘try to calm down by conversation (63.0%)’ followed by ‘report verbally to supervisor (52.1%)’, ‘Call for help with colleagues (52.1%)’. Conclusion: It is needed the support of the institutional communication system to prevent violence as well as tailored to clinical workplace to the clinical nurses cope more against violence.

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