세조는 왕이 된 후 집권의 명분과 도덕성의 취약점을 극복하기 위하여 민본정치, 부국강병책, 왕권의 재확립과 『경국대전』이나 『동국통감』과 같은 학술, 문화정비 사업에 진력을 다하였고, 이것은 세조를 긍정적으로 평가하는 요인이 된다. 세조가 법주사, 상원사 등에 잦은 행차를 한 것 또한 왕권 강화와 민심 수습의 목적이 담겨 있었다. 세조에 대한 평가 기준에 따라 신숙주의 평가는 달라진다. 세조대에 확립된 왕권 강화와 정치적 기반은 성종대에 이르러 조선 전기 정치, 문화를 완성할 수 있는원동력이 되었고, 이러한 업적의 중심에 신숙주가 있었다. 세조 집권 후에 신숙주는 병조판서, 우의정 등을 거쳐 1466년 영의정에 올라 세조를 적극적으로 보좌했다. 신숙주에 대한 세조의 총애는 신숙주를 나의 智將이라 일컫고, 나의 魏徵이라 하면서, 사관으로 하여금 이 말을 기록하도록 한 사례에서 잘 나타난다. 외교관으로서의 역량은 『해동제국기』의 저술에서 확인할 수가 있다. 조선 전기 정치적 안정이 필요한 격동기에 신숙주는 세조가 추구한 중앙 집권과 왕권 강화, 민생 안정과 국방 강화 등의 정책 실천에서 중심적인 역할을 했다. 수양대군 시절부터 맺은 깊은 인연과 세조라는 왕에 대한 믿음이 이를 가능하게 했을 것이다. 조선이라는 나라가 초기의 정치적 격동기를 잘 극복하고 빠른 기간 내에 정치적, 문화적으로 튼튼한 기반을 형성한 바탕에 신숙주와 같은 뛰어난 관료학자가 존재했음을 기억해야 할 필요가 있다.
After becoming the new king, Sejo employed certain pro-public policies while also launching institutions designed to enhance the government’s fiscal situation as well as the integrity of the military. By doing so he intended to solidify his leadership, and spawn by such intentions were also several legal or historical publication projects which led to the compilation of Gyeong’guk Daejeon and Dong’guk Tong’gam. This was all to legitimize his own enthronement and overcome his own immoral image, and these efforts eventually paid off, as they contributed to the bettering of Sejo’s overall image. He also frequently visited Buddhist monasteries like Beobju-sa and Sang’weon-sa, in order to appease the people and enhance his authority at the same time. The evaluation of Shin Suk-ju varies depending on what kind of criteria is (or was) used, and many opinions on King Sejo were (and are) reflected in the opinions on Shin. The king’s strengthened ruling authority not to mention accumulated political capital for the government in general was ultimately what enabled all kinds of political and cultural accomplishments during the reign of King Seongjong, and Shin Suk-ju was an integral part of King Sejo’s rule which set off the entire process. After Sejo took over the throne, Shin served the government as the Minister of Military Affairs as well as the Right Chancellor. In 1466, he became the Central Chancellor and continued to serve Sejo faithfully. Sejo explicitly trusted him to the extent of calling him his most trusted and wise advisor(智將), and virtually on the level of the renowned Chinese figure Wi Jing(魏徵). He even ordered the official historian to write that down in the Official Annals. Also he wrote 『Haedongjegookgi(海東諸國紀)』. During the turbulent times of Joseon’s early years, political stability was what the government most needed, and Shin Suk-ju played the most instrumental part in all sorts of policies conceived for that end, such as the establishment of a central authority, reinforced leadership of the king, comforted population and upgraded dynastic defense. Probably, the fact that Shin had already been acquainted with Sejo from the old days when Sejo was still Su’yang Daegun, and that he wholeheartedly believed in him, made this all possible. Shin Suk-ju was indeed one of the most dignified talents, an academician/governmental official, who enabled Joseon to overcome the initial confusions and mistakes and to create a politically and culturally stable platform for future prosperity that would last for centuries to come.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 수양대군과 함께한 중국행
Ⅲ. 세조 즉위 후 최고의 참모로 활약하다
Ⅳ. 예종, 성종대에 원상으로 활약하다
Ⅴ. 신숙주에 대한 평가들
Ⅵ. 맺음말