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KCI등재 학술저널

新羅의 熊津都督府 逐出과 壬申亂

Tang China-Silla War & Jinshinran(壬申亂)

DOI : 10.22912/dgsh.2020..68.161
  • 57

670년 羅唐戰爭이 발발했다. 신라가 백제지역을 공격하여 잠식해 들어오자 熊 津都督府는 倭國의 近江조정에 거듭 청병을 했다. 671년 9월 唐軍이 압록강을 건너남하하여 평양을 베이스캠프로 삼고 공격대를 꾸려 황해도로 진군했다. 그러나 10 월 대동강 입구에서 唐의 運糧船 70척이 신라 수군의 공격을 받고 격침되었다. 보급이 끊기자 唐軍은 북쪽으로 철수했고, 남쪽 熊津都督府의 함락이 임박했다. 같은해 11월 熊津都督府의 郭務悰은 배 47척에 2,000명을 태우고 금강을 빠져나가 對馬 島에 사람을 보내 입국수속을 밟았다. 12월 3일 그 결정적인 타이밍에 天智가 사망했다. 熊津都督府의 소멸을 알리는 사상 초유의 Exodus와 독재자 天智의 永眠은 倭 國사람들에게 새로운 시대를 예감케 했다. 그 누가 신라에 의해 唐이 백제에서 밀려난다고 상상이나 했겠는가. 672년 熊津都督府의 소멸은 백제 땅에서 唐軍基地가 사라졌다는 것을 의미했고, 그것은 倭國人들에게 무엇보다 큰 변화였다. 지금까지 倭國은 唐의 영향 하에 들어가는 것이 두려워 백제에 가서 전쟁을 했고, 패전 후 日本열도를 방어하기 위해 광범위한 築城과 대토목공사를 했다. 수많은 사람들이 동원되었고 엄청난 희생자를 낳았다. 하지만 倭國人들은 백제 땅에 있는 唐軍에 대한 두려움 때문에 天智天皇의 독재를 忍耐했다. 그 공포는 近江조정을 작동시키는 연료였던 것이다. 백제에서 唐軍이 축출되자 그 인내의 이유가 사라졌고, 大友는 推動力을 잃었다. 672년 6월 大海人皇子가 반란의 깃발을 들자 豪族들이 가담하여 병력 수만이 휘하에 모여들었다. 반면 大友가 병력 모집을 위해 사절을 각지에 보냈지만 倭京(아스카)에서 실패했고, 吉備 總領은 목숨을 내놓고 움직이지 않았으며, 筑紫의 總領은 외침을 핑계로 거부했다. 672년 7월 22일 瀨田 다리의 싸움(지금의 大津市 가라하시정)에서 大海人의 군대가 大友측을 대파하고, 다음날 大友皇子가 자결하면서 壬申亂은 성공한 반란이 되었다. 大海人皇子가 天武天皇으로 즉위하였다. 熊津都督府의 소멸이라는 国際的契機가 壬申亂 勃發의 중요한 환경이 되었다고 생각한다.

In July 660, Baekje, a Japanese ally, was occupied by allied forces of Silla and Tang China. There was looting by the occupying forces, and the people of Baekje began to resist here. The Baekje people sent envoys to Japan to ask for aid, and the Japanese king Saimei decided that China, which has an expanding habit, was certain to invade Japan, and that it should be prevented from Baekje. Japan provided troops and supplies to Baekje. However, it faced a disaster in 663 at the Battle of Baekchongang(白村江). Concerned about the invasion of Chinese troops, the Japanese king Tenji builds numerous fortresses across the country. Countless Japanese were mobilized for construction and had to pay taxes. A peace treaty was signed between China and Japan in 665. The Japanese, who knew of China’s strong military might, must have been relieved. However, every things changed when the war between Silla and Tang China broke out on the Korean Peninsula in 670. Silla began to attack the Chinese General Administration of Baekje. The Chinese asked Japan for help. In January 671, the king of Japan Tenji disclosed China’s request for military aid. At that time, Japan could not afford to send troops to the Korean Peninsula. I don’t know why he made the declaration at that time. There could be a huge gap between messages the authorities send and how people accept it. The king’s declaration shocked Japanese society. Specially Japanese Local Nobles were shocked. They paid for troops and supplies during the Baekje War(660-663). Local Nobles recalled again the nightmare of their defeat in Baekje. The existence of the Japanese king Tenji itself was a disaster for them. There were many Baekje people who wanted a war beside the king . In October 671, Silla further intensified its attack on the Chinese General Administration of Baekje, and the fall came. In November of that year, a Chinese official escaped from Baekje with 2,000 people aboard 47 ships and entered Japan. On Dec. 3, the Japanese king Tenji died at this critical time. The massive Exodus, which means the collapse of the General Administration of China in Baekje and the death of dictator Tenji gave people a foreboding of a new era. On the other hand, to crown prince meant isolation. The Chinese emperor and his strings were cut off. The Baekje people beside the crown prince Ootomo also lost their meaning of existence. In 672, the Chinese military zone disappeared from Baekje. It was, above all, a change in the era. So far, Japan has fought a war in Baekje for fear of falling under Chinese rule, and has set up a broad fortress to defend the Japanese islands after the defeat. Many people have sacrificed, but they have endured the dictatorship of the Japanese king Tenji because of fears of an invasion by China. Now the reason is gone. The cause was invalidated. In June 672, Prince Oama revolted in Yoshino. He is the brother of the dead king Tenji. Then a large number of local nobles joined in Prince Oama. Tens of thousands of troops quickly gathered under Oama. They wanted a new government to be ruled by Oama. On July 22, 672, the rebels defeated the government forces, and the next day, Prince Ootomo killed himself, making it a successful rebellion. The prince Oama ascended to the throne. He was Tenmu Ten-nou. A new Japan was born in the aftermath of the Baekje War.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 신라의 熊津都督府 공격

Ⅲ. 近江조정의 百濟 3部 請兵 공개

Ⅳ. 在百濟 唐軍基地의 소멸과 壬申亂

Ⅴ. 맺음말 - 白村江戰爭의 餘震
