최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Need for Rebuilding the Temple in Haggai 1:1-11 : An Impetus for Temple-centered Life

DOI : 10.56035/tod.2020.22.1.126
  • 6

When Israel returned from their exile sojourn, The rebuilding of the destroyed temple in the post-exilic era was yet God’s priority. The need for the rebuilding of the various temples created an impetus for a temple-centered life at all times by God. These moves seemed to be paramount in God’s mission to reconnect the spiritual state of Israel as peculiar people. This paper aims to exegetically investigate Haggai 1:1-11 in order to established the reasons why God had shown so much interest in a temple center life for His people, the usefulness and sacredness of the temple, and the theological implication of a temple-centered life for Christian believers.

I. Introduction

II. Historical Context

III. Literary and Grammatical Study

IV. Thematic Structure

V. Intertextual Context for a Temple-centered Life

VI. Tabernacle/Sanctuary/Temple Motif

VII. Theological Implications

VIII. Conclusion
