최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Logically Speaking: Problems in Arguments against Women’s Ordination

DOI : 10.56035/tod.2020.22.1.56
  • 12

This article seeks to demonstrate the usefulness and necessity of studying the topic of women’s ordination within the framework of religious epistemology. It probes the validity of three different arguments used by Christian theologians who hold a complementarian view as they justify the exclusion of women from ministry, which were identified in the author’s four prior studies of religious discourses on women’s ordination using a Critical Discourse Analysis perspective. The article points out faulty premises that underlie those arguments and maintains that the way the arguments apply certain biblical details in order to draw universal truths about gender relations in church organization and structure showcases arbitrariness. It suggests recognizing the experiential nature of Christianity and incorporating the narratives of various stakeholders into the discussion.

I. Introduction

II. Analyses of Arguments

1. Argument 1

2. Argument 2

3. Argument 3

III. Conclusion
