최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

2015개정 교육과정 중학교 기술교과 로봇 체험활동과제 개발

Development of a Robot Hands-on Activity Task for Middle School Technology Subject in 2015 Revised Curriculum

DOI : 10.31216/BDL.2020.10.3.283
  • 49

The purpose of this study is to develop a robot hands-on activity task for the ‘manufacturing technology’ section of the middle school technology subject of the 2015 revised curriculum. The study procedure proceeded to the preparation-development-improvement phases. In the preparation stage, the textbook of the 2015 revised curriculum was analyzed to suggest the necessity of robot education, and commercial education robots were analyzed to supplement the weak points. In the development stage, a robot education kit that differentiates it from the existing robots was developed, and teaching and learning materials that can be used together were developed to construct a robot hands-on activity task. in the improvement phase, expert verification was first conducted, and the robot hands-on activity task including the robot education kit and teaching and learning materials were preliminary tested to correct and supplement them. The results obtained in this study are as follows. First, a robot education kit was developed that can learn the components, operation principles, etc. of the robot, including all of the components of them, the driving unit, the control unit, the sensor unit, and the power unit. Second, some parts of the robot education kit were designed and manufactured by the students themselves, so that students can show their creativity in the assembly process of the robot education kit. Third, in order to construct the robot hands-on activity task with the robot education kit, teaching and learning materials on the robot’s operation principle, robot type, and robot components were developed.

I. Introduction

II. Research Methods

III. Results

IV. Conclusions

