최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

일본의 보육교유(保育敎諭) 특례제도에 관한 일고찰

A Study on the Special System for Childcare Teachers in Japan

DOI : 10.37704/KJJE.2020.25.2.39
  • 135

우리나라는 유치원교사와 보육교사의 양성과정 및 자격체계가 이원화되어 있어 동질의 교육·보육 서비스를 제공하는데 한계가 있는 실정이며 현행 이원화된 상황에서는 교사 간 질적 차이 문제는 꾸준히 제기될 것이다. 따라서 유보통합을 대비하는 일원화된 교사양성체제 개편을 위해 일본의 사례를 참고하여 발전시킬 필요가 있다. 일본은 제3의 교사형태인 보육교유(保育敎諭) 자격에 관한 5년간의 특례제도를 마련하였다. 보육교유(保育敎諭) 특례는 「교육면허법시행규칙의 일부개정안」이 2013년 8월 8일에 공포되어 시행된 것으로서 2015년 4월경부터 2020년 3월까지 5년간은 ‘유치원교유면허’ 또는 ‘보육사자격’ 중 하나를 가지고 있으면 ‘보육교유’가 될 수 있도록 하는 경감조치이다. 본 연구는 일본의 유치원교사 및 보육사 양성과정을 살펴보고, 이를 바탕으로 제3의 교사형태인 보육교유(保育敎諭) 양성과정 및 특례제도의 특징을 살펴봄으로써, 앞으로 우리나라의 유보통합을 대비하는 일원화된 교사양성체제 개편에 대한 시사점을 제안하였다.

Korea has a dualized training program and qualification system for kindergarten and childcare teachers, and there are limits to the provision of the same quality of education and childcare services. In this dualized system, the question of qualitative differences between teachers will be constantly raised. Therefore, in order to reorganize the unified teacher training system with integrated childcare, it is necessary to develop it by referring to Japanese cases. Japan has prepared a special five-year system regarding the third type of teachers, a childcare teacher qualification. The special exception for childcare teachers is that the “Partial Amendment to the Education License Act Enforcement Regulations” was promulgated and enforced on August 8, 2013, and it was implemented for five years from between April 2015 and March 2020. This is a mitigation measure that allows you to become a “nursery teacher” if you have either a “kindergarten teacher license” or “nursery teacher qualification”. In this study, focusing on the training programs for Japanese kindergarten and nursery teachers, we will examine the characteristics of the third type of teacher training teacher training program and the special exception system. We suggested 5 points for the reorganization of the teacher training system that was centralized toward. First, it is necessary to reorganize the subjects centering on the duties and core abilities of the infant teacher to supplement the subjects related to the teacher s responsibilities and sound humanity development that is the basis of professional ethics. Secondly, it is necessary to cultivate the aptitude and humanity required for the teaching profession, a firm view of the teaching profession and vocational consciousness, and the specialization related to the teaching profession such as attitude by the subject of the pedagogical field. Thirdly, since the ability to carry out lessons, class management ability, parental counseling ability, leadership ability, etc. that can successfully carry out educational activities by utilizing knowledge are cultivated by educational training, educational training in the field of education is a compulsory subject. Do you need to Fourth, integration between departments responsible for early childhood education policy needs to be achieved to be the best policy for early childhood. Fifth, it is necessary to develop departments related to teacher policy. 韓国は幼稚園教師と保育教師の養成課程と資格体系が二元化されており、同質の教育·保育サービスを提供するにおいて限界がある実情である。このように二元化されている現行の状況では、教師間の質的な違いの問題は絶えず提起されるだろう。したがって幼保統合を備える一元化された教師養成システムの改編のために日本の事例を参考にして発展させる必要がある。 日本は第3の教師の形態である保育教諭資格に関する5年間の特例制度を用意した。保育教諭特例とは 「教育免許法施行規則の一部改正案」 が2013年8月8日に公布され施行されたものであって、2015年4月頃から2020年3月までの5年間 「幼稚園教諭免許」 または 「保育士資格」 のいずれかを持っていれば 「保育教諭」 となる軽減措置である。 本研究では、日本の幼稚園教師および保育士の養成課程を中心に第3の教師形態である保育教諭養成課程と特例制度の特徴を考察してみた。そして、今後我が国の幼保統合に向かって一元化された教師養成体制の改編のために次のような5つの示唆点を提案した。 はじめに、嬰幼児教師の職務と核心的な力量を中心に教科目を再編成して教師の責務性と職業倫理の基礎となる健全な人性涵養と関連する教科目が補われる必要がある。二番目に、教育学領域の教科目によって教職に必要な適正と人性、確固たる教職観と召命意識、そして態度などの教職的素養に関連する専門性を涵養させる必要がある。三番目に、知識を活用して教

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 일본의 유아교사 양성체계

Ⅲ. 보육교유(保育敎諭)에 관한 특례제도

Ⅳ. 결 론

