최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

敎育의 形而上學的 次元과 藝術的 次元

The Metaphysical and Artistical Dimension of Education

  • 8

이 글은 쉴러의 「심성교육론」에 함의된 마음의 개념을 분석함으로써 교육의 형이상학적 차원과 예술적 차원의 관계를 드러내는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 쉴러는「심성교육론」에서 인간 존재를 본체와 상황으로 구분하고 양자의 관련에 관해 논의한다. 유희충동은 본체와 상황으로 구분되는 마음의 두 층 사이의 역동적 교섭을 개념화한 것으로서, 美를 향한 인간의 마음의 정향적 운동을 부각시킨다. 교육은 심성함양의 과정으로서, 유희충동의 개념으로 요약되는 마음의 운동에 관한 이론적 설명이 구체적으로 확인되는 전형적 사태이다. 교육사태가 어떻게 유희충동의 전형적 사태가 되는가는 교육의 형이상학적 차원과 예술적 차원을 동시에 해명함으로써 드러난다. 교육의 형이상학적 차원과 예술적 차원은 각각 교육의 궁극적 목적(또는 원천)과 역동적 과정을 부각시키는 교육의 상이한 두 차원으로서, 이 두 차원간의 관련은 교육의 목적(또는 원천)과 그것이 구현되는 과정 사이의 상호적 교섭을 드러내어 줌으로써 실재를 가시화하는 예술적 창조 과정으로서의 교육의 특이한 지위를 설명하는데 기여한다.

The purpose of this study is to reveal the relation of the metaphysical and artistical dimension of education by analysing concept of mind implied in Schiller s 「On the Aesthetic Education of Men」(AEM). Analysing relation of both dimensions, we come to understand that education is the process of cultivation of mind which cannot be reduced to any empirical value. In the 「AEM」, Schiller conceptualizes the human being in two different dimensions, namely, Person and Condition, and discusses the relation between them, so as to clarify the concept of Beauty which is the way to the ideal political state, that is the Aesthetic State. According to Schiller, to develop of mind with the Beauty which is the way to cultivation of human nature is the only road to building up the Aesthetic State. Schiller s argument on the relation of Person and Condition , which is the conceptual apparatus to understand human mind, contributes to clarifying the conceptual relation of education and cultivation of mind. In order to explain the reciprocal relation of Person and Condition it is necessary to clarify the concept of Form drive and Sense drive, Form drive is the disposition of mind, which intends on giving men the freedom to bring harmony into the diversity of his manifestation, and to affirm his Person among all his changes of Condition. Sense drive is the disposition of mind which is to attach oneself to and turn him into matter manifested in the external world. Formal drive and Sense drive is the concept which is logically derived from the concept of Play drive in which the other two drives co-operate and work in concert. Play drive can be defined as free and predispositional movement of human nature which is directed toward the aesthetic qualities of phenomena and Beauty. In order to give a vitality to the theoretical explanation on the static and dynamic aspect of the activity of mind, it is necessary to discuss the process of education which embodies the dynamic activity of mind. Education is the typical situation in which not only the validity of theoretical explanation of educational process is assessed, but also free activity of Play drive is protected and developed. It is necessary to clarify the metaphysical and artistical dimension of education in order to reveal how educational process becomes the typical situation which embodies the activity of Play drive. For Schiller, the concept of Beauty is closely connected with the metaphysical dimension of education. The concept of Beauty is very important to identify the possibility of how the reality as the ultimate aim becomes the original source of dynamic power of mind. The concept of Truth, Good, Holy reveals the distance between the Reality and human being one the one hand, concept of Beauty reveals the man s attachment and longing for reality. Nature of the process of subject-matter education clarifies the nature of the cultivation of human and how to cultivate human nature. The process of subject-matter education is the process in which Truth, Beauty, Good, Holy is exhibited in here and now and with all one s heart , and the ultimate reality is revealed in temporal order. The existence of teacher prerequisites to which reality is revealed in temporal order. According to Schiller, the subject-matter is a work of art as the intellectual creation, which is beyond need. The subject-matter as manifestation of metaphysical reality becomes the way to exhibit self-moving reality to life. The existence of teacher who is participating in teaching process embodies the value of subject-matter as the work of art. Teacher internalizes and communicates the knowledge of subject-matter simultaneously in the classroom. Communicating process is a dynamic process in which teacher s Pl

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 마음의 개념

Ⅲ. 교육의 형이상학적 차원

Ⅳ. 교육의 예술적 차원

Ⅴ. 현대 교육학과의 관련

