The study on Lee Saek s Neo-Confucianism as Educational Theory
敎育理論으로서의 李穡의 性理學
- 한국도덕교육학회
- The Journal of moral Education
- Vol.17 No.1
- : KCI Accredi
- 2005.08
- 157 - 198 (42 pages)
이 연구의 목적은 李穡의 性理學을 교육이론으로서 재해석하는 데 있다. 李穡儒學 思想의 주요한 觀點 중 하나는 그의 性理學 전체 구조가 「中庸」과 「周易」에 기초한다는 것이다. 이와 같은 기반위에서 李穡의 성리학을 존재론, 윤리론, 인식론으로 나누어 그의 성리학에 대한 이해와 성리학에 대한 새로운 해석을 시도하였다. 새로운 관점에 의하면, 이색의 성리학에서의 존재론, 윤리론, 인식론은 바로 그의 교육이론이 된다. 교육과 관련해서 설명하자면, 李穡의 性理學에서 나타난 敎育의 目的은 四書三經을 학습함으로써 道德性을 개발하고 정착시키는 것이다. 여기서 “道德性”이라는 용어는 학생이 ‘誠’을 이해하고 그것을 삶의 현실에서 구현할 수 있도록 하는 힘을 의미한다. 이러한 임무는 敎師에게 속한다. 더욱이, 李穡 성리학에서 가장 흥미로운 점은, 敎育을 隱喩的으로, 인간과 귀신의 상호 반응으로 표현한 것이다. 李穡에 따르면, ‘鬼神’이라는 용어는 聖人으로서 훌륭한 敎師를 의미한다. 결국 李穡의 性理學은 敎育理論을 포함하고 있는 것이 아니라, 敎育理論 그 자체이다.
The purpose of this study is to make clear the idea that we regard Lee saek s Neo-Confucianism as Educational theory. In fact, the general tendency on Lee saek s idea is the view that it is very insufficient for us to admit him as Korean Neo-confucianism successor. From my perspective, however, this tendency of study is wrong because of misunderstanding his idea. Especially, there have been many original factors in Lee saek s idea. If we could discover this factors, it would be easy for us to understand his creativity on Neo-confucianism. Thus I will concentrate on finding his creativity through his writings and making clear his successive status on Korean Neo-confucianism. First of all, one of the main points on Lee saek s idea is that The whole body of his Neo-Confucianism is based on The Doctrine of the Mean(「中庸」) and I Ching(「周易」). This scientific tendency in Lee saek s idea is equal to Chu hsi s. The core of his Neo-Confucianism is, like Chu hsi s theory, the view that there are a fixed, metaphysical standard in mind such as T aeguk(太極) as limitless being(無極), human Tao(人道) as institution, and the Mean(中) in mind. Lee saek thinks that we can find these factors in our mind, and that this is purer(純) than Qi(氣). This ‘purity’ means that all metaphysical beings are enough to be a law on everything. This idea derives from The Doctrine of the Mean and I Ching. In addition, this view on Mind(心) explains Lee saek s Neo-Confucianism as structure, acquisition, and expression of Mind. As we know, Confucian texts become the contents of curriculum for Confucian Morality and Metaphysics of Man. For this reason, the theory of Mind implied in Lee Saek s Neo-Confucianism can be regarded as the theory of education. Especially, Lee s character in understanding of learning makes us find out the idea of Neo-Confucianism, which is hidden in the Doctrine of the Mean and I Ching. Therefore he explains li(principle/reason) and Qi(vital energy), the human nature(性) and the feelings on proper humanity(情) as the Equilibrium(中) and the Harmony(和). So it is natural that we should consider Lee Saek s Neo-confucianism as Educational Theory. Lastly, Lee s main idea summarizes Sincerity(誠) of Heaven and Ghost(鬼 神) in the world. According to Lee saek, his educational aim in Neo-confucianism is the development and settlement of moral character by studying school courses. In this explanation, the term moral character means that pupils can understand and embody Sincerity of Heaven. This task belongs to teacher. Expressly, the most intriguing piece of Lee s theory is that he represents education as mutual interaction between man and Ghost by metaphor. The term Ghost in Lee saek s theory means the great teacher as Master(聖人). Finally, Lee s idea on Neo-confucianism does not include the theory of Education, but is the theory itself. Now it is convinced for us to establish Lee saek s Neo-confucianism as Educational Theory, and to understand his idea on school, the teacher, and the student in term of his theory of education. As we know, he makes clear Chu hsi s theory in Neo-confucianism and finds fresh idea on school, teachers, and students. Lee is concerned on the Mind(心) derived from the Doctrine of the Mean and I Ching, and develops the theory on li - qi, and human nature - feeling. The standard is based on the Sincerity of Heaven, and embodied by a great teacher as Master named Ghost . This task of teacher, in Lee s saying, is called virtue of Ghost . In this point, we can understand Lee saek s prominent view on Education. This view is very suggestive on present education in Korean society. Lee saek was one of the most successful men in his time. But he was not joyful about this success. This means that Lee saek s aim in life is not success in his com
Ⅰ. 문제의식
Ⅱ. 性理學의 根源
Ⅲ. 李穡의 性理學(1): 存在論
Ⅳ. 李穡의 性理學(2): 倫理論
Ⅴ. 李穡의 性理學(3): 認識論
Ⅵ. 要約 및 結論 : 李穡 敎育理論의 適用