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KCI등재 학술저널

배려윤리와 유교윤리의 공통점과 그 함의

Similarities between Care Ethics an d the Confu cian Ethics, an d its Imp lications

  • 59

배려윤리는 서구에서 전통적이자 주류적인 윤리관인 주지주의적 정의윤리을 비판하고 등장한 새로운 대안윤리 평가된다. 그런대 배려윤리는 동양의 전통적이자 주류적 윤리인 공맹식 유교윤리와 다음과 같은 점에서 그 논지를 같이 한다. 첫째, 배려윤리와 유교윤리는 상황중심의 윤리이다. 둘째, 배려윤리와 유교윤리는 관계중심의 윤리이다. 셋째, 배려윤리 및 유교윤리는 차등적으로 발현하는 자연적 심성중심의 윤리이다. 넷째, 두 윤리는 자연적 심성의 인위적인 확충이 필요하다고 본다. 다섯째, 두 윤리는 자연적 심성의 확충, 본보기, 실천이 도덕교육의 중요내용이 되어야 한다고 본다. 배려윤리와 유교윤리논지의 동일성은 두 윤리 모두의 발전적 전개에 도움이 된다. 배려윤리는 유교윤리와의 동일성에서 여성중심의 윤리 및 비공동체적 윤리라는 비판을 극복할 수 있는 단서를 얻게 되며, 유교윤리의 입장에서는 배려윤리와의 동일성에서 남성중심의 전근대적 윤리라는 비판을 극복할 수 있는 단서를 얻게 되는 것이다.

The purpose of this study is to compare care ethics with Confucian ethics, and search for its implication. Since Carol Gillian published In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women s Development, 1982, lots of discourse on the care ethics have been made by mainly feminist . The care ethics is regarded as developing and alternative ethics to the rule-based ethics that have dominated the West, and estimated as a new and effective ethics against the moral crisis. Confucian ethics, on the other hand, is established traditional ethics that have dominated the Far East, and is regarded as typically patriarchal ethics. There are similarities or common grounds between the care ethics and the Confucian ethics as follows: 1. The care ethics and the Confucian ethics both are a context-centered ethics. For the morality, consideration on the moral situations is more important than compiling with moral principle. 2. Both of two ethics are the relation-centered ethics. Key point for a morality is not a moral thinking or reasonable decision of independent per son, but making and keeping of appropriate relation with other s for good living. 3. For the two ethics both, the origin of morality is not moral rule but a native moral mind. The outgoing of the moral mind has graduations such as in per son relationship the nearer is the stronger, the further is the weaker. 4. For the two ethics both, encouraging and outspreading is needed for establishing moral community and completing the morality. 5. For the two ethics both, moral education is important for encouraging and outspreading of the moral mind . The programs of the moral education mu st involved with modeling, practice, confirm. The similarity and common ground are helpful for the development of the both ethics. On the basis of common ground, the care ethics and the Confucian ethics is able to have clues to come up with negative opinions each other.

1 . 들어가는 말

2 . 배려윤리와 유교윤리의 공통점 탐색을 위한 대비적 비교

3 . 배려윤리와 유교윤리 비교결과의 함의

4 . 맺음말
