최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

항암화학요법을 받는 암환자의 극복력, 사회적 지지와 입원스트레스의 관계

Relationships between Social Support, Resilience, and Hospitalization Stress in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy

  • 421

This study was to identify the relationships between resilience, social support and hospitalization stress in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Methods: The subjects were 217 patients recruited from K University Hospital in B Metropolitan city. Data were collected from June 20 to August 30, 2013 and analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test and Pearson correlation coefficients using SPSS. Results: The mean of hospitalization stress was 97.31±14.18 and moderate in cancerpatients receiving chemotherapy. The level of hospitalization stress of subjects was negatively correlated with resilience (r=−.26, p<.001) and social support (r=−.43, p<.001). Conclusion: Social support needs to be improved to reduce hospitalization stress in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. In addition, assessing and supporting the resilience of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy can help reduce their hospitalization stress.

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