최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Cudrania tricuspidata (CT) Leaves, Fruit Powder and CT Fruit in Pork Patties during Storage

DOI : 10.5851/kosfa.2020.e56

The objective of this study was to assess antioxidant activities of leaves and fruit powder of Cudrania tricuspidata (CT) with different particle sizes (crude, 500 μm, 150 μm), and determine the physicochemical properties and microbial counts of pork patties with various levels of CT fruit powder (CTFP) during refrigerated storage. Total phenolic content of crude leaves had the highest value of 3.54 g/100 g (p<0.05). Overall, CT leaves (CTLP) had higher total phenolic content than CTFP (p<0.05). 1,1-Diphenyl- 2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of CTFP was higher than that of CTLP (p<0.05), which showed higher iron chelating ability and reducing power than CTFP (p<0.05). After pork patties were manufactured with 0.5% and 1.0% of CTFP at 500 μm, pH, color values, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS), and peroxide values (POV) were then measured. The addition of CTFP into pork patties significantly (p<0.05) increased redness and yellowness values of patties. TBARS values of pork patties containing CTFP were lower (p<0.05) than those of CTFP-0 patties after 10 days of storage. Pork patties added with CTFP showed no significant (p>0.05) difference TBARS values among different storage periods. POV values of pork patties containing CTFP were lower than those of the control from 3 days up to the end of refrigerated storage (p<0.05). These results suggest that CTFP could be used as a natural antioxidant to retard lipid oxidation in meat products during refrigerated storage.


Materials and Methods

Results and Discussion


Conflict of Interest

Author Contributions

Ethics Approval

