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KCI등재 학술저널

교실수업 활용을 위한 인공지능 챗봇의 개발 및 활용 모형: 학습대화 설계 중심

AI Chatbot Design and Development Model for Classroom Instruction: Designing Learning Conversations

  • 1,217

The goal of this study is to propose a chatbot design and development model that promotes teachers’ utilization of AI chatbots during instruction. Due to their abilities to understand and respond to our natural languages, AI chatbots can assist students’ learning on various subject topics through the conversations that they have with students. More importantly, AI chatbots can adapt their conversations to the learning needs of students. In spite of such potential benefits of AI chatbots, use of chatbots in Korean schools is rare. To promote use of chatbots by teachers across all disciplines, it is first necessary to provide teachers with general guidelines on how to plan and build a AI chatbot. The proposed model in this study provides such guidelines, from planning to creating dialogues, for building chatbots as assistive learning tools for students. The strength of this model is in its ability to tailor instructional feedback to the needs of the students, varying instructional dialogues in accordance to the students’ knowledge level. The key steps of the model include Preparation (analyses of students’ knowledge level and subject content), Learning-Conversation Design, Development, Testing, and Application. The resulting model is intended to provide a pedagogical and technical guideline for teachers AI chatbot design and development for their instruction.

I. Introduction

II. Artificial-Intelligence Chatbot and Learning Conversation

III. Learning-Conversation Design Model for Building AI Chatbot

IV. Conclusion
