나이지리아 교장 역량에 대한 교장과 교사의 인식
Principal and Teacher Perceptions of Principal s Competencies in Nigeria
- 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소
- Brain, Digital, & Learning
- 제10권 제4호
- : KCI등재
- 2020.12
- 453 - 464 (12 pages)
This study investigated the perceptions of Nigerian school principals and teachers of the administrative and managerial competencies of secondary school principals in Nigeria needed to effectively lead their schools, focusing on eleven identified 21st century skills. A two-section questionnaire was designed by the researcher using google survey form, and validated by experts, to gather data from 93principals and 237 teachers across secondary schools in Nigeria, using descriptive survey design. Mean, standard deviation and independent sample t-test were used to answer the research questions. Major findings indicated that the principals’ self-rating was higher than that of the teachers who consistently rated the principals lower, indicating that Nigerian school principals require upgrade in a variety of administrative competencies relating to policy and direction, managing change and innovation, resources and operation, human relationship and self-effectiveness. The researchers recommend that principals should consider the teachers’ perceptions in areas of the identified administrative and managerial competencies in order to raise the quality of school leadership, and that the federal government through the ministry of education and secondary school education boards should use the identified competencies as a basis for organizing pre- and in-trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences for prospective and serving principals.
I. Introduction
II. Methodology
III. Results and Discussions
IV. Conclusions and Implications