최근 검색어 전체 삭제

미국의 통합예술교육이 학교 안에 실현하는 역동성과 그것이 한국의 문화예술교육에 주는 시사점

The Dynamic Results Accomplished in School by Arts Integration and What the Results Suggest to Cultural Arts Education(Munhwa yesul kyoyuk) in Korea

  • 257

This article illuminates some aspects of the dynamic results achieved in school by Arts Integration in the United States and what they suggest to Cultural Arts Education(Munhwa yesul kyoyuk) in Korea. While Arts Integration in America is limited within the boundaries of school curriculum, the Cultural Arts Education consulting Arts Integration can expand the effects of Arts Integration in both School Cultural Arts Education(Hakkyo munhwa yesul kyoyuk) and Soical Cultural Arts Education(Sahoe munhwa yesul kyoyuk) for all in the nation. The Arts Integration in America is one of the remarkable resources to imbue dynamics in school. Through its Problem Based Learning or Project Based Learning, Arts Integration makes the students more active, forms a community among the students, and gets the students to realize higher test scores. These results produced by the Arts Integration in America can be applied into the Cultural Arts Education in Korea. Consulting what the Arts Integration suggests, Cultural Arts Education in Korea can also make its students more active and sense of community or team spirit exist among the students. Also, The achievements of Arts Integration in America suggest that Cultural Arts Education in Korea needs more research and practice in order to be an alternative to school education in crisis currently in Korea.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 역동성의 양상

Ⅲ. 시사점

Ⅳ. 결론
