최근 검색어 전체 삭제

포스트 코로나시대

Post-corona era: A study on the Possibility of Women s Social Re-entry Through Culture and Arts Education

  • 234

With the global pandemic and Corona 19 that began in January 2020, our lives are making a big difference, and life has continued after the coronavirus, and we are focusing on how we will live in the era of the post corona . Particularly in the coronavirus situation where it is difficult to go out, the routine of life in the home is constantly changing, and as a result, women have been able to care for the right to study of children and caregivers in the home. With the corona blue phenomenon and the increasing number of women who want to take a leap forward again, educational institutions programs that help women re-enter into society are increasing through various social institutions. Therefore, this study aims to explore the educational direction of career interrupted women for re-entry to society, and focus on the value of culture and arts education in women s re-entry. First, after reviewing the current status of the Women s Human Resources Development Center, the characteristics of Nowon-gu and Nowon Women s Human Resources Development Centers as culture and arts education institutions that are the center of this case are examined. Lastly, through case studies and narrative studies, the case of the Nowon Women s Human Resources Development Center, which has been running a cultural and artistic education program for many years, is a qualitative study through FGI (Focus Group Interview) and through institutional personnel (planners, managers) to women with career interruptions. We intend to conduct an analysis on the value of culture and arts education.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 문화예술교육기관으로서 여성인력개발센터

Ⅲ. 연구개요

Ⅳ. 연구결과: 문화예술교육을 통한 여성의 사회재진출 가능성과 제언

Ⅴ. 나가며
