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KCI등재 학술저널

수양개 Ⅵ지구 후기 구석기시대 밀개의 제작과 사용

An Analysis on the Manufacturing Process of End-scraper in the Upper Paleolithic on Suyanggae Site Loc. Ⅵ

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수양개유적 Ⅵ지구, 후기구석기시대에 해당하는 4개의 문화층에서 출토된 밀개는 모두 354점이다. 각각 문화층별로 집계하면 지표 및 겉흙층 바로 아래의 1문화층에서 8점, 2문화층 332점, 3문화층 13점, 가장 아래의 4문화층 1점 등이다. 특히 후기구석기시대 후반기에 해당하는 2문화층에서 밀개 제작이 집중되었음을 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 문화층별 밀개의 형태와 속성을 비교한 후, 보다 집중적으로 제작된 2문화층 밀개의 제작기법을 분석하여 제작과 사용에 따른 형태적 변화를 살펴보았다. 문화층별 밀개의 형태 및 속성을 비교한 결과, 길이는 4문화층-3문화층-2문화층-1문화층 순으로 점차 작아지는 경향성을 볼 수 있다. 이로 볼 때 대체적으로 이른 시기의 밀개가 보다 크고 무거운 반면, 시기가 지나면서 점차 작아짐을 확인하였다. 그리고 너비와 두께는 4문화층과 3문화층의 밀개가 보다 큰 반면에, 2문화층과 1문화층은 보다 좁아지고 얇아짐을 볼 수 있다. 특히 2문화층의 밀개는 너비와 두께, 그리고 무게의 값이 가장 작으면서도 일정 구간에 집중되는 현상을 뚜렷하게 보여준다. 곧 일정한 크기의 격지를 선택하여 밀개를 제작했던 규격화 경향을 엿볼 수 있다. 2문화층 밀개는 압도적인 출토 수량, 규질 석재 및 규격화된 몸체의 선택성, 정형화된 몸체로 조정하는 기법 등으로 볼 때 다른 문화층과의 뚜렷한 차이를 볼 수 있다. 이는 2문화층 집단의 밀개 제작에 대한 보다 특화된 일면, 즉 전문성을 보여주는 자료라고 볼 수 있다. 아울러 일정한 크기 및 형태의 몸체를 준비하는 공정이 도구 제작에 가장 중요한 요소임을 확인하였다. 나아가, 날 형태의 평면 및 단면 모습의 차이에 기반하여 제작-수리 및 재생-폐기의 3단계 변화과정을 추정해 보았다. 이를 통해 정형화 유형 밀개의 제작 및 재생의 모습을 유추할 수 있었으며, 제작-수리 및 재생-폐기에 이르기까지 지속적으로 날을 관리해 나가는 모습을 엿볼 수 있었다.

Investigation to the Suyanggae site Loc.Ⅵ was carried out for construction of a weir in 2013 to 2015. There were discovered 4 Upper Paleolithic cultural layers from Mis 3 to 2, and 40,679 pieces of Paleolithic remains excavated. Among them, 21,744 artifacts were excavated from the Cultural Layer 2, from Syanggae Site Loc. VI, which are divided into manufacturing products (20,695pieces, 95.1%) and tools (1,049pieces, 4.9%) (이융조 외 2018). Among tools, there were 332 end-scrapers, accounting for the highest proportion in tools from the Cultural Layer 2. Among raw materials, rhyolites and shales took 84%, with use of silicic stones including tuff, hornfels and obsidian. There were only 16 quartz raw materials found. Among blanks, flakes including blades took 96% while use of debris was only 13 cases. Furthermore, all of end-scrapers from Cultural Layer 2 were found in long length by simple comparison between length and width. However, end-scrapers from other Cultural Layers were similar in its length and width, close to thick square form. In terms of manufacturing technique, consistency in size, especially the width within specific range compared to the length, indicates that both edges of long flakes were almost uniformly retouched in end-scraper from the Cultural Layer 2. Likewise, distinctive difference was determined in quantity of excavation, selection of silica stone and flake blank, specification of consistent shape and width of end-scraper between Cultural Layer 2 and other Cultural Layers. Such difference shows more sophisticated manufacturing of end-scraper from Cultural Layer 2. 1) Two Types of End-scraper Manufacturing The length of end-scraper from Cultural Layer 2 is quite long compared to the width. The width is limited to specific size while its length is in wide variation. These morphometric characteristics are associated with unique manufacturing technique, uniformed retouching in both edges or one edge of flake (TypeⅠ=standardization). Meanwhile, there was also cases of non-retouching in the edges of flake (Type II= non-standardization). Two types of end-scraper manufacturing, Type I and II, are classified based on the presence of retouch at the edges. The number of Type I (78%) was found larger than Type Ⅱ (22%). Furthermore, the number of end-scrapers undamaged were double of the destroyed in Type I, with more end-scrapers destroyed found in Type I. It suggests the low breakage rate in Type I made more carefully and the high breakage rate in Type II relatively simply manufactured. The banks of Type II show medium length and various thickness, among which the all basal ends of thin blanks were found as destroyed condition. In addition majority of blanks in Type Ⅱ were indeterminate forms and showed a number of cases of cortex on dorsal face, indicating a number of early-stage flake. In short, Type Ⅱ end-scrapers were manufactured with convenience or circumstance stones compared to Type I. 2) Step: Manufacturing - Repairing - Disuse(or abandonment) The shape and curvature of end-scraper blade were mostly uniformed while the size of blank varies. The shape of end-scraper edge is basically circular-edge, which can be classified as wide circular-edge, narrow circular-edge, nose form-edge, pointed edge, straight-edge and etc., according to the blank size and retouch. Such subclassification can be interpreted as the result of not only retouching in manufacturing but also repairing of blade occurring in use. repairing of edge can be a clue for group activity at the time. Accordingly, in this study, the end-scraper from Cultural Layer 2 was to be understood in the course of 3-step, manufacturing-repairingdisuse(or abandonment). 3) Characteristics of End-scraper by Type The end-scrapers were classified as two types (Type I a

Ⅰ. 머리글

Ⅱ. 후기구석기층 밀개 형태와 속성

Ⅲ. 2문화층 밀개 속성 분석

Ⅳ. 후기구석기시대 후기 밀개 제작기법과 사용

Ⅴ. 맺음글

