최근 검색어 전체 삭제

초등영어 비대면 자기주도 학습-평가 접근

An Approach of Self-directed Learning & Self-assessment in Non-face-to-face Elementary English Education

  • 206

This paper addresses one of the critical issues of how to improve self-directed learning and self-assessment in Non-face-to-face elementary English education under covid-19 pandemic. Several teachers’ viewpoints were suggested and discussed a model of self-evaluation related to Non-face-to-face self-directed learning. As pointed by 이재근(2020a), schools have been managed with various knids of classes of Non-face-to-face way or not, such as a form of video conferencing or distance learning based on online educational systems. As a result, the problem was revealed that students did’t get such their learning advantages as they achieved in an usual and normal learning classroom because they didn’t get closely instructed or managed by professional teachers in school. Half instruction, half learning. Without their teacher’s care, they did’t get not so much effective learning results. Consequently, they need a learning caretaker for their learning stages of checking out their performances in before class-during class-after class.

Ⅰ. 비대면 초등영어 자기주도 학습활동

Ⅱ. 비대면 자기주도 학습활동에 관한 초등교사의 접근들

Ⅲ. 초등영어교육에서 비대면 자기평가 방안

Ⅳ. 맺으며
