This study was examined the situations and trends of outward bound exchange program which helps rural youth to learn and experience advanced and diverse farming skills while they live in other countries. It also investigates need, satisfaction, and perspective of the program participants based on age, gender, and participation year by using paper and pencil test. The final goals of the study were to find how the program contributes to encouraging rural youth (participants) to improve farming skills and be proud of Korean culture after they participate in the program and to suggest future directions of the program. The findings of this study were that the participants were satisfied with the program related to visiting places (58.9%), group leader (61.3%), and lodging (54.8%) the program was very necessary (82.3%) for them to improve their farming skills. However, they perceived that the program is just one time practice (41.9%). Therefore, to improve this program, this study suggests the followings: participant s needs and opinions should be considered in the program planning process; considering farming seasons between Korea and visiting countries; providing pre-education and post connections for participants such as educational meeting, newsletter, or seminar etc.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 농촌청소년해외교류사업의 실태 분석
Ⅳ. 결론