최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

농업분야 전문대학의 동향과 발전과제

The Changing Situation and Development Tasks of Agricultural Junior Colleges in Korea

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The purposes of this study were to identify the changing situation of agricultural junior colleges and to suggest development tasks for the colleges in connection with agricultural and rural development. This study was carried out by reviewing literature and analyzing official statistical data and the selected colleges changing features. The major results of the study were as follows: 1. The almost agricultural junior colleges except the Korea National Agricultural College(KNAC) and the Yeoju Provincial Institute of Advanced and Specialized Farming(YPIAS) have been remarkably shifted from agricultural production sectors to agribusiness or non agricultural sectors in the numbers of department and student as well. 2. Since the KNAC and YPIAS were invented to foster eligible farmers fully supported by the related government agencies in 1996, they have sustained their agricultural education based on farm management skills and knowledges. 3. Even though these changes and special cases have been occurred, many related colleges are facing the various problems such as lower rate of the student enrollment and scarcer employment of the graduates upon their majors while the agricultural and rural situations are demanding much more young and eligible manpower. 4. In order to properly tackle the problems, this study suggested that the development tasks such as 1)governing the total admission quorum of each university to decrease the number of students per a professor as possible, 2)financial supporting the specialization of junior colleges upon their strong points and 3)enlarging government policies of fostering eligible young farmers should be much more accelerated.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 농업 및 농업관련분야 인력 구조 변화와 전망

Ⅲ. 농업분야 전문대학의 동향

Ⅳ. 농업분야 전문대학의 문제와 해결과제

Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론
