The object of this study was to find out the relationships between occupational personality types and the related factors in Holland. The subject of the study were 352 college students. The analysis of the collected data was accomplished through t-test and F-test, and it has the statistical significance level of 5 percent. The following conclusions from this study are summarized as these: First, it was shown that college students favorite jobs are enterprising jobs such as a hotel manager, an advertisement business manager, a PD, and a department store manager, social jobs such as a teacher, a psychologist, and a counselor, artistic jobs such as a musician and a singer, and realistic jobs such as a wild life expert. Second, in terms of sex, male students preferred realistic, investigative, and conventional jobs, while female ones preferred artistic, social, and enterprising jobs. In terms of school types, the students in liberal arts type of school preferred realistic, social, enterprising and conventional jobs, while the students in science and engineering type of school preferred investigative jobs, and the students in arts and physical education type of school preferred artistic jobs. In terms of the experience of working part-time, it was shown that the students who had worked part-time had a higher degree of tendency to search for a job than the ones who hadn t worked part-time at all. Third, The students who have less self-efficacy showed a higher degree of tendency to choose social and conventional jobs, while the students who have more self-efficacy showed a higher degree of tendency to choose investigative, artistic, and conventional jobs.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. Holland의 직업성격유형 이론
Ⅲ. 연구의 방법
Ⅳ. 연구의 결과 및 논의
Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론