The purpose of this study was to calculate the economic effect of children-oriented activities of woman-farmer s center. From 2001, The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry runs women-farmers centers in which women-farmers can come to stay stably by counseling, the care of infants and children, after-school learning, and city-farm exchange. In other words, Woman-farmer s center provides not only improvement of ease and quality of life of women-farmers , but also spreading economic effect to community and country. Especially, in this study, the direct effects of nurturing infants and children, after-school learning among activities of woman-farmer s center were estimated. By calculation based on business plan of 18 centers that run centers in 2002, total economic income effects of children-oriented activities are 285 million won, which consists of 146 million won for the nurturing infants and children, 139 million won after-school learning, respectively. The woman-farmer s center should be managed reasonably with government support so that women-farmers center will become as a base camp for young women-farmers to participate in agriculture and rural community and increase its economic effect for the nation in the future.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 농촌의 영ㆍ4유아보육사업과 방과후 학습에 대한 이론적 고찰
Ⅲ. 여성농업인센터 아동대상 사업의 파급효과
Ⅳ. 결론