The change of agricultural conditions has been existed in the agricultural production, management and marketing in these days. That is the reason why we emphasize the agricultural information in agricultural field. This study was carried out to investigate the background and present condition of agricultural information 119 project, to identify the actual condition and the problem of agricultural information 119 project, and to get some implication for the activation of agricultural information 119 project. To accomplish this study, it executed the questionnaire survey against farmer and the interview against agricultural information 119 agents were used. The major results of the study were as follows; 1) The farmer who receives agriculture information education followed in the interest and objective with the fact that the difference of the quality demand regarding agricultural information education is remarkable it appeared. So, it need, with now together the fractionation which is depth of educational program of the concentration education which is provided with a lump was necessary, against the quality of the lecturer, with the fact that it demands a high level. 2) The other side, it made the ease one security of the new agriculture information education objective person who leads the public information effect of education participation and the government of more positive farmers case of the agricultural information 119 agents who is a supplier than with problem. It will reflect these two sides appropriately and it presents the agricultural information 119 program of new form as, it will put out and the agricultural informatization program operating method it presented.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 농업정보 119사업의 배경과 운영현황
Ⅲ. 연구의 결과 및 해석
Ⅳ. 요약 및 결론