The purposes of the study were to identify the current use of web based instruction by agricultural high school teachers, to determine factor structure of the related items, and propose implications for the future development of web based instructional systems in agricultural high school. The methodology adopted was basically survey, and personal interviews with teachers in addition. 157 teachers as sample participated in the study after cluster sampling method. Both descriptive and inferential statistic analyses were implemented to meet the purposes. Especially, common factor analysis with varimax rotation method was adopted as an inferential statistics. According to major findings, the followings were concluded. First, it was revealed that the number of female, young and high-educated agricultural teachers was increased compared to previous studies. It was further determined the experience and use of computer have been remarkably increased in recent. Second, almost half of the subjects were identified having web based instruction experiences and about 60% expressed the intention of implementation within a year. Third, the teachers felt mostly the need of building-up the knowledge and skill required for web based instruction and they wanted more opportunities of training programs. Lastly, it was identified two factors were extracted from the items adopted in the study. According to the factor analysis, the first was named as the cognitive factors, and second as the affective factors of web based instruction of agricultural high school teacher.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과 분석 및 논의
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언