The purpose of this study was to analyze the faculties and students need for developing the career guidance programs to enhance the career development abilities of women s junior college students. To accomplish this study, literature review and survey methods were used for this study. We reviewed literature on the development and management of the female students in universities and colleges. Also, we sent a survey questionnaires to women s college faculties and students to investigate their opinions on the development of career guidance programs. This study identified the 12 subjects developing the modular material to guide the female students career-path as follows; (1) to know how to use the students service of our colleges, (2) to understand and change the ego, I , (3) to understand learning style, (4) to enhance the personal relationship, (5) to develop the competency of managing the information, (6) to enhance the self-leadership, (7) to establish the plan and strategies for their career development, (8) to achieve and prepare the vocation that they want to do, (9) to experience the intern-ship, (10) to have a good habit for success, (11) to know how to write the their resume and introduction letter, and (12) to prepare a good interview for employment. Based on the results of this study, we suggested the tasks for developing the modular materials of career guidance for women s junior college students.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 전문대학 여성 인력의 양성 및 활용 실태
Ⅲ. 전문대학 진로 교과 운영 및 진로 프로그램 요구 분석
Ⅳ. 결론