The purpose of this study was to find the future directions of rural adult education as a discipline of lifelong education. This study was conducted by analysing the studies concerned rural people, society and their education. As a finding of this study, the developmental model was recommended, which was mainly divided two parts, practical and academic fields. For the development of future rural adult education, it required a great deal of effort of researchers and their institutional backgrounds in both fields of practical and academic approaches. The researches of rural adult education in the past have to be treated importantly as a fundamental findings and materials. Moreover we have to study and research which focused to enrichment the quality of ilfe of rural people and their societies.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 농촌사회교육의 실천적 성격
Ⅲ. 농촌사회교육의 학문적 성격
Ⅳ. 농촌사회교육 발전 모형
Ⅴ. 논의 및 과제