The purposes of the study were to identify the QOL of rural people through social indicators and official documents, and to get implications for rural development program. In contrast of the QOL of urban area, the one of rural area has been deteriorated gradually in last thirty urbanization /industrialization period. For the balanced regional development, first of all, rural income increasing program should be enlarged through cash crop cultivation, rural amenity projects, direct payment projects and non-farm job opportunities. Improvement of rural educational facilities, establishment of scholarship for rural adults would be a proper directions for better quality of rural educational surroundings. More development fund of local government should be alloted on the housing and public facilities for health and cultural activities. Projects to lessen the digital divide of rural area should be included in rural human settlement program.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 삶의 질에 관한 이론적 검토
Ⅲ. 농촌주민의 삶의 질 변화 양상
Ⅳ. 농촌주민의 삶의 질 향상을 위한 농촌개발의 방향
Ⅴ. 결론