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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

코로나19 대유행 시 간호사의 대구지역 의료자원봉사 경험: 질적 사례연구

A Nurse s Volunteering Experience in Daegu during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Case Study

DOI : 10.33527/nhi2021.26.1.18
  • 1,401

Purpose: This study aimed to explore the meaning of a nurse s nursing volunteering experiences in Daegu during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: In this qualitative case study, data were collected through an in-depth interview with one nurse regarding her nursing volunteering from December 9 to 20, 2020. The interview lasted about 120 min. The participant was a woman in her early 30s, worked at a general hospital for 7 years, and was a housewife who resigned due to childbirth two years ago and has one child. Results: Five theme clusters emerged from the data as follows: 1) Hearing news of a medical disaster 2) Nursing volunteer support decisions 3) Visiting a disaster scene 4) Impression at the scene of disaster 5) Nursing volunteering to be a thinking life. Conclusion: Nursing volunteering served as an opportunity to grow further by thinking about the need and value of volunteering. The results of this study can be a guide for nurses participating in nursing volunteering.


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