최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Taste-Active and Nutritional Components of Thai Native Chicken Meat: A Perspective of Consumer Satisfaction

DOI : 10.5851/kosfa.2020.e94

The taste-active and nutritional components of Thai native, broilers, blackboned, and spent hen chickens were analyzed. The amounts of tasty amino acids especially glutamic acid were the highest in Thai native chicken. The black-boned chicken had the highest arginine content, related to the least amount of consumer satisfaction. Concerning nutritional quality, choline, and taurine were deemed important for brain function. The black-boned chicken showed the highest choline and taurine contents, unlike that of the spent hens. In contrast, broilers presented the highest betaine content, which might be attributed to their lipid metabolism. L-carnitine content was abundant in black-boned and Thai native chickens. Moreover, the amounts of essential amino acids were high in Thai native chicken. In conclusion, black-boned chicken proved to be an excellent nutritional source for health-conscience consumers, whereas the Thai native chickens were flavourful and delicious.
