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국내 상급종합병원과 종합병원에서의 정맥주입간호실무지침에 대한 태도와 확산정도

Attitudes to and Diffusion of Intravenous Infusion Nursing Practice Guideline of Advanced General Hospital and General Hospital in Korea

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Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the level of attitudes to and diffusion of Intravenous infusion nursing practice guideline in advanced general hospitals and general hospitals in Korea. Methods: The subjects were 41 nurses who were in charge of guideline diffusion in 41 advanced general hospitals and general hospitals. Data were collected between September 25 and November 2, 2014 by mail (return rates: 68.3 %). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOVA with SPSS/WIN 18.0. Results: The average attitude score of guideline among nurses in charge of guideline diffusion were 3.98±0.38 (range 1~5). The average guideline diffusion score and levels of diffusion was 2.26±1.39 (level of “persuasion of nursing knowledge”) for staff nurses, 3.05±0.86 (level of “use sometimes”) for nurses in charge of guideline diffusion, 2.87±0.78 (level of “use sometimes”) for nurse directors. 41.4 % of nursing divisions in 41 hospitals reviewed the intravenous infusion nursing practice guideline, educated the guideline to nurses, and implemented the guideline in clinical practice for guideline diffusion. Conclusion: Study findings indicate that nurses in charge of intravenous infusion nursing practice guideline in hospitals had positive attitude for guideline. The levels of guideline diffusion in hospitals was “persuasion of nursing knowledge” to “use sometimes”. Therefore, the strategies for promoting the diffusion and implementation of guideline in clinical practice in the level of nursing division is needed. Further study of outcome evaluation of guideline implementation will be needed.


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