Purpose: This study is to develop telephone follow-up guidelines for patients discharged after gastrectomy. Method: This study examined the main symptoms experienced by patients who underwent a gastrectomy after discharge by reviewing literatures, interviewing gastrectomy patients when they visited the outpatient department (OPD), and analyzing sheets of telephone counseling in the OPD. Three surgical doctors, one clinical nurse specialist and seven expert nurses were evaluated for the developed draft. And they confirmed content validity. Results: The most frequent nine symptoms has been deduced: abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, regurgitation, malnutrition, fever, constipation, wound problem, diarrhea, syncope/sweating. The group of experts agreed that 9 main symptoms linked with 94 nursing interventions were valid. Conclusion: These guidelines will be helpful in managing the symptoms of patients discharged after ged after gastrectomy, and it is anticipated to increase the work efficiency of nurses.
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