최근 검색어 삭제

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) 범세계적 유행 관련 근거 고찰

Review of Evidence Related to the Global Epidemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Purpose: To identify epidemiological and disease-related characteristics by searching related literature in the pandemic situation caused by COVID-19. Methods: This is a narrative review that has been searched previous studies, national and international guidelines and practice manuals, and related website. Results: COVID-19-related literature and data were numerous and were being updated in real time. In this review, the pathogens of COVID-19, transmission mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment, prevention, and infection control methods were summarized. Conclusion: The data in this review are highly limited in time. It is limited to the literature search so far, and among the selected literatures related to COVID-19, some aspects of the researcher’s interests are more emphasized and considered. In the future, with the hope that COVID-19 will end or be reduced to a small endemic situation, we look forward to a more comprehensive and valid literature review.
